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What We Saw at Madame World's Fair - Elizabeth Gordon

Children's novel about the Panama-Pacific Exposition.

Link to other titles dealing with the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.

A Letter Home
Festival Hall
The Palace of Varied Industries
The Palace of Machinery
The Palace of Mines
The Palace of Transportation
The Palace of Manufactures
Our Hostess
The Palace of Fine Arts
The Palace of Education
What We Saw at the Palace of Food Products
The Palace of Agriculture
The Palace of Liberal Arts
The Palace of Horticulture
Our First Lesson in Sculpture
The Court of the Universe
The Court of Abundance
The Court of the Four Seasons - The Court of Flowers
Mural Paintings
What We Did in Italy
Our Visit in Tehuantepec
Our Visit to Japan
Canada the Beautiful
Our Chinese Visit
More Foreign Travel
Our Day in Sweden
The Fireworks and Illuminations
The Panama Canal Concession
Our Day on the Zone