Map of California
Books about California History and Culture


This web site is a personal library of public domain e-texts and pictures about California and the old West. When available I have added current photos relating to the books.

Also included are lists of books by California Publishers, and a list of books about California.

Come back regularly because new items are always being added.

Flag of California
Academy of Pacific Coast History - University of California - Berkeley

James H Barry Press - San Francisco

Walter N. Brunt - San Francisco

A. Carlisle & Co. - San Francisco/Reno

Coleman Cox - Monadnock Building - San Francisco

H. S. Crocker - San Francisco

Albert Dressler - San Francisco

Paul Elder & Company - San Francisco
124 Books and
Online Here!

Grafton Publishing - Los Angeles

John Howell - San Francisco

Samuel Levinson - San Francisco

John J. Newbegin - San Francisco

Ricardo J. Orozco - Berkeley/San Francisco

Overland Publishing - San Francisco

Pacific Rural Press - San Francisco

Phillips & Van Orden - San Francisco

Philopolis Press - San Francisco

Post Printing and Binding Co. - Pasadena

The Press in the Forest - Carmel-by-the Sea

A. M. Robertson - Union Square - San Francisco

P. J. Thomas - San Francisco

Wahlgreen Company - San Francisco

Westwind Magazine - San Francisco

Other California History Books

Miscellaneous (non California related books)

Books about the Panama-Pacific Exposition of 1915

Books about the Panama California Exposition of 1915

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Last Changed on: 03/09/2017 03:29:21