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The Jewel City - Ben Macomber

This book gives an overview of the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco. This books discusses more than the artwork, by describing the contents of the other palaces, the state buildings, and the foreign pavilions.

This book has been placed under John J. Newbegin as the publisher, yet this presents a bit of a quandry in that the book also lists this as a John W. Williams publication, and the printer was H. S. Crocker; thus the publishing business in San Francisco was rather incestous; in some ways like the current motion picture industry in Los Angeles. This is my 54th Project Guttenberg title.

Link to other titles dealing with the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition.

Introduction and Contents
I. Motive and Planning of the Exposition
II. Ground Plan and Landscape Gardening
III. The South Gardens
IV. "The Walled City": Its Great Palaces and their Architecture, Color and Material
V. The Tower of Jewels
VI. The Court of the Universe
VII. The Court of the Ages
VIII. The Court of the Seasons
IX. Courts of Flowers and Palms
X. The Fountains
XI. The Palace of Machinery
XII. The Palace of Fine Arts and its Exhibit, with the Awards
XIII. The Exposition Illuminated
XIV. Music at the Exposition
XV. Inside the Exhibit Palaces
XVI. The Foreign Pavilions
XVII. The State Buildings
XVIII. The Live-Stock Exhibit
XIX. Sports and Games; Automobile Races; Aviation
XX. The Joy Zone
(A) Sculptures and Mural Painting
(B) Statistics of Construction Work
(C) The Exposition Roster
(D) Bibliography
Some other Publications of John H. Williams

DOC file for Palm (Project Guttenberg Version)