Home -> John J. Newbegin -> The Jewel City -> Chapter XVIII. The Live-Stock Exhibit | |||
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The Live-Stock Exhibit The first Exposition to offer a live-stock exhibit covering its entire period - Prizes total $440,000 - Classification of competitions - New methods of displaying herds and flocks - Contests in dairy and beef cattle - Other exhibits range from high-bred horses, hens and sheep down to pet rabbits, rats and mice. For the first time in the history of similar celebrations, this Exposition offers a continuous live-stock show. Other expositions have confined their live-stock exhibit to a few weeks during the time of award-making. Here, however, the show extends from the opening of the Exposition until its closing. The competitive period extends from September 23 to December 3. Naturally this will mark the high tide of the display. During this time the International Jury on Awards will distribute in cash prizes a total of $440,557. Of this amount, $190,000 has been given by the Exposition management, $100,327 by the breed record associations of the country, and $150,230 by various states to be used in prizes and the transportation of stock. These attractive prizes will be distributed, among the well-established and well-known breeds of draft and light horses, ponies, beef and dairy cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, pigeons, and pet animals. All animals will be judged according to the rules of recognized breed associations. Foreign or other animals not recorded in the books of the associations named in the premium list will be judged by the standards of the associations to which their exhibitors belong. The educational value of the live-stock show for the general public, as well as the stock breeder, has been emphasized in every department. The increased cost of living being a dominating topic for both producer and consumer, much attention has been centered on meat-producing animals. Liberal provision has been made in the prize list for fat classes in beef-cattle, sheep and swine. When the Exposition management designed the live-stock section and planned the buildings for the various features of this department, an effort was made to create a model arrangement for exhibit purposes. So successful was this effort that a number of states have requested the plans for a ground layout. This portion of the Exposition cost the management approximately $150,000, and covers sixty-five acres. The buildings represent, in their equipment, the very latest development in the housing and caring for stock. The visitor first approaches from the east a quadrangle of eight large stables, enclosing the forum where the live-stock shows are held. These stables have a total accommodation of 1124 horses. The forum has a seating capacity of 2680 persons. To the north of the stable quadrangle is Congress Hall, for the accommodation of conventions and other meetings, and containing also the administration offices of the chief of the live-stock department. On this side also are the corrals, feed storage barns, a service yard, and an area for open-air exhibits. To the south is the large dairy building, a dairy manufactures building, and the poultry exhibit building. The dairy building houses more than 300 animals. West of the stable group is the mile racecourse with its polo and athletic field. One of the novel features of this show is the manner in which the view herds and flocks are displayed. These are seen in stalls and pens built at an angle of about forty-five degrees to permit the visitor to get a side view of the stock. The view-herd idea in itself is something new. These exhibits are purely educational in purpose, and non-competitive. They have been on display since the opening, and will continue until the close of the Exposition, thus enabling the visitor to see a creditable live-stock show, no matter at what season he may come. The view herds are selected by competent authorities, and represent the best of their respective breeds. Among such herds on exhibit are Shorthorn cattle, Berkshire swine and Percheron horses. These exhibits are changed from time to time. In addition to these general features, the special events include the milk show, harness races, universal polo, wool grading, sheepdog trials, poultry show, and an international egg-laying contest. For eleven classes of dairy cattle the Exposition offers awards, as follows: Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Holstein-Friesian, Dutch-Belted, Dairy Shorthorn, Brown Swiss, French-Canadian, Simmenthal, Kerry and Dexter, and Grade-Dairy Herd. This last is a recognition on the part of the Exposition of the great utility value of the grade-dairy cow, which forms the basis of the dairy industry, and yet could not exist without the pure-bred stock. In the beef-cattle group, the Exposition offers awards in the following classes: Short-Horn, Hereford, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloway, Polled Durham, Red Polled, Devon, Fat Cattle (by ages) and Car-lots. One of the especially attractive features pertaining to the dairy section is the exhibit of 150 high-grade Holsteins for utility purposes. This herd is in full flow of milk and is maintained by a large milk condensing plant. This exhibit, in the daily care given these perfect specimens of dairy cattle, the yield of Milk, the quality of feed and the appliances used, forms one of the most attractive units in the department. An important event in this section was the pure milk and cream contest, June 14 to 19, in Congress Hall. City and state boards of health and the dairy divisions of agricultural colleges participated in the contest. The purpose of the event was designed to create a greater interest in pure milk and cream. Four samples of milk and cream each were submitted. One of these was submitted to an official bacteriologist, a second given to the official chemist, a third displayed in Congress Hall, and the fourth tested for its butter-fat content. Awards of gold and silver medals and cash prizes were made in the following classes: city boards of health, cream dealers, milk dealers, college experiment stations, pasteurized milk, pasteurized cream, market milk producers, certified and medical milk commissions. In the horse exhibit the following classes are provided: Percheron, Belgian, Clydesdale, Shire, Suffolk-Punch, Standard Trotter, Thoroughbred, Saddle Horses, Morgan, Hackney, Arabian, Shetland Pony, Welch Pony, Roadsters, Carriage Horses, Ponies in Harness, Draft Horses, Hunters, Jumpers, and Gaited Saddle Horses. Among special events in this section are the following: trot under saddle, one-mile track, one-mile military officer's race, one-mile mounted police race, gaited saddle race of one mile, steeple chase, hurdle race, polo pony dash, relay race of one mile, cowboy's relay race of same length, cowgirl's relay race, six furlongs, saddle tandem. Exposition jumping contest and five-mile Marathon four-in-hand. On the closing day of the Exposition there will be a grand parade of all first and second winners, not only in the horse display, but in all other displays in this department. The following dates have been set for the exhibition of stallions and mares in the breeding classes in the Forum: Thursday, September 30, - Percheron, standard trotter, Welch pony, and Morgan; Friday, October 1, - Belgian, Thoroughbred, Hackney, and Shetland Pony; Saturday, October 2, - Clydesdale, Saddler, Arabian, and Suffolk-Punch; Monday, October 4, - Shire, Jacks and Jennets, and Mules. The exhibition of horses for awards is from Thursday, September 30, to Wednesday, October 13. One of the important events of this period is the special horse show. Two other big special events are the races and international polo tournament. The polo tournament from March 7th to May 1st enlisted the following teams: Cooperstown, N. Y.; Philadelphia Country Club; Midwick Polo Club; Pasadena, Burlingame and San Mateo Clubs; Boise, Idaho, team; Portland, Oregon, team; First Cavalry, Monterey; Second Division Army, Texas City, Texas; and Southern Department Army, San Antonio, Texas. The Exposition harness races cover two periods, one from June 5 to June 15, and the other from October 30 to November 13. In addition to these there will be matinee races from May 23 to September 30. A total of $227,000 has been set aside for purses in these races. The poultry exhibit for award is scheduled from November 18 to 28. This is known as the Universal Poultry Show, and is planned to be one of the largest ever held. Between 10,000 and 12,000 chickens, entered from all parts of the Union, will be in competition. In conjunction, the American Poultry Association meets in Congress Hall in the live-stock section. The International Egg-Laying Contest, extending over a period of one year from November 15, 1914, has attracted widespread attention. Pens of fowls have been entered in this contest from the United States and Canada, and even distant England. Daily records are kept of the production of each hen, and, once a month, the score is bulletined by the live-stock department for the information of owners. Sheep and goats are to be judged for awards from Wednesday, November 3, to Monday, November 15. The breeds classified are: Shropshire, Hampshire, Cotswold, Oxford, Dorset, Southdown, Lincoln, Cheviot, Leicester, Romney, Tunis, Rambouillet, Merino-Ameiran, Merino-Delaine, Corriedale, Exmoor, Persian Fat-Tailed, Karakule, and car-lots; goats, Toggenburg, Saanen, Guggisberger, and Anglo-Nubian breeds, with the grades of each breed, and native goats. The exhibit of swine for awards runs between the same dates. The eligible breeds, besides swine in car-lots, are Poland-China, Berkshire, Duroc-Jersey, Chester White, Hampshire, Tamworth, Mule Foot, Large Yorkshire, Large English Black, Victoria, Essex, and Cheshire. The scope of the live-stock department is not limited to the material things of rural life. A Universal kennel show is scheduled from November 29 to December 1. Two classes of dogs are provided for in the awards, sporting and non-sporting. A cat show, of long and short-haired cats, is set for the same period as the kennel show. Other groups of exhibits in this line are pet stock, rabbits, hares, rats and mice, and children's pets. |
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