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Part X.
Acacia-growing from seed 27 Apricot - on peach root 21 Alfalfa - for cow or sheep 137 - silage 48, 134, 138
Alcohol-denatured 26 - Pests of 231 - for hogs 118, 119 Alfalfa - sowing 47
Almond - with lemons 14 - for sheep 202 Alfilerilla or "filaree" 52
- irrigation of 64 Alfalfa - fruit trees in 5 Alkali
- needs drainage 14 - and barley straw 129 - ground 138 - and sorghum 41
- old trees, renewing 13 - and beets 125 - gypsum 46, 47 - beet tops for 59
- on heavy soil 13 - and corn 49 - harrow or disk 45 - too much for peaches 61
- on peach root 21 - and "filaree" 52 - hay, storing 47 - treatment of spots 59
- pests of 233 - and grains 43 - leaf spot 45 Ankle swelling 151
- pruning 11 - and Russian thistle 46 - meal and other feeds 139 Anthrax 167, 168
Apples - and weeds 48 - on heavy land 47 Arsenical insecticides 214
- not grafted on pears 8 - as fertilizer 83 - on sandy land 45 Ashes and mottle-leaf 77
- pests of 229 - chopped hay 137 - pests of 235 Asparagus, pests of 238
Apricot - cost of silage 139 - pumping for 70
- elevations for 14 - dodder killing 48 - restoring 47
Balanced ration 109 Beans - after grain 29 Bermuda grass- on reservoir bottom 67 Buckwheat - cover crop 55
Bands on trees 224 - blackeye and Tepary 29 Birth - abnormal 169 - feed and fertilizer 129
Barley 39 - feed value 130 Blackberry - growing 55
- alone for hogs 120 - hay and straw 131 - bearing 23 Bulls
- for pigs 115 - pests of 235 - pests of 233 - dehorned 90
- for silo 135 - soy 49 Bloat - impotent 169
- on salt marsh 40 Bees and fruit blossoms 26 - soda not good for 159 - self-abuse 170
- mite in crushed 132 - injuring fruits 16 - turpentine for 168 - tongue swollen 169
- rolled for fowls 190 Beets Boar (see hogs). - tuberculosis 169
- rolled, storing 132 - and alfalfa hay 125 Bordeaux mixture 226 Bur clover 53, 54
- straw and alfalfa 129 - feeding 124 - paste 227 - bacteria on 82
- smutty, feeding 123 - pulp feeding dried 112 - with arsenates 239 Butter
- straw for cows 112 - stock 30 - with Paris green 240 - bitter 96
Barn for cows 104 - summer planted 30 Bran mash for grasshopper 216 - fat in cream 98
Beans - tops for alkali 59 Branding - squeezer for 88
- and grain 44 - transplanted 31 Breeding crate for hogs 100
- and onions 29 Bermuda grass 53 Buckwheat
Cabbage - pests of 236 Chicks Corn - stalks as manure 43, 81 - pumpkin seeds for 111
Calf - air and exercise 187 - winter pasture 57 - rations for 109, 110
- blackleg 156 - bran 191 Cover crop - ring worm 172
- blind 154 - broilers, feeding 192 - dry vegetation for 84 - self-sucker 89
- colds 155, 156 - cottonseed meal 191 - legumes for 84 - small barn for 104
- convulsions 156 - crippled 194 - nettles as 82 - sores on belly 165
- hide, curing 106 - crop catarrh 207 - to find best 84 - squashes for 111
- lice 157 - feed, home mixed 191 Cow - sweet potatoes for 113
- lung worms 155 - feeding 193 - abortion 164 - swelling on milk veins 165
- navel rupture 155 - fleas 205 - after calving 169 - swelling on shoulder 165, 166
- over-fed 154 - leg colors 188 - anthrax 167 - swelling on throat 168
- pneumonia 155 - marking 186 - barley straw for 112 - ticks 171
- urine bloody 156 - runts, handling 187 - beet pulp for 112 - tonic 157
- white scours 154 - scabby heads 209 - before calving 93 - vaginitis 166
Calves - scant feathering 204 - bloody milk 160 - warbles 171
- on separator milk 107 - shelter for 188 - calving troubles 160 - watermelons for 126
- without milk 107 Cholera immune hogs 99 - cottonseed meal for 113 - winter milking 90
Calving - preparatory treatment 163 Citron fruit not melon 18 - dehorning 89 - yield of 92
Canker of feet 149 Citrus fruits, pests of 230 - dehorning trouble 167 Coyotes, baits and poisons 245
Carbon bisulfid 225 Clover - Japan 58 - drying off 93 Cream
- for borers 225 Cocoanut meal - falling off in milk 108 - butter fat in 98
- for root-pests 225 - feeding 114 - fattening old 109 - testing 97
- for store-house pests 225 - for hogs 120 - for dairy 92 - what kind to sell 98
Carrots - pests of 238 Colt - herpes 172 Credit for cows 94
Cattle - crooked leg 143 - indigestion 157 Cropping, double 44
- stray, law on 105 - ringbone on 143 - losing milk yield 159 Crown gall, planting after 7
- spaying 90 - sore jaw 142 - milk fever 163, 164 Crude oil emulsion 221
- weighing condition 89 - staggering 143 - money to buy 94 Cucumber, pests of 237
- winter maintenance 136 Copper fungicides 226, 227 - mouth trouble 165 Cultivation to save moisture 60
Cauliflower - pests of 236 Corn - not breeding 158, 159 Currants, pests of 224
Cottonseed meal 113 - best state for forage 129 - oleander poison 172 Cut, swelling of 142
Celery - pests of 238 - ear worm 31 - on twenty acres 88 Cuttings, ways with 15
Cheat in California 41 - feeding 124 - pasturing or rack-feeding 108 Cutworms, poisons for 216
Cheesemaking, small 97 - fodder, stacking 55 - paunch impaction 166 Cow peas for bogs 130
Cherry - frosted in silo 140 - pica 157 Cowpox, treatment for 170
- dying back 13 - moldy 120 - pox 170
- not bearing 12 - pests of 238 - prunes for 133
- pests of 232 - second growth 49 - pumpkins not drying 111
Dairy 85 Distillate emulsion 220 Dog - St. Vitus dance 182 Duck - fall hatching 198
- law 94 Ditches - rights of way 71 - swelling on jaw 183 - feeding 197
- tenant arrangements 93 Dog Dodder, destroying 48 - milk for 198
Date palms - planting 8 - constipation 183 Drainage, for fruit trees 14 - quack-less 198
Deer, repelling 240 - ear-mite 182 Draining low places 74 Dust sprays 222
Dehorning cows 89 - mange 182 Ducks - and Bordeaux 222
Diet, what is light? 142 - rabies 183 - dying in shell 197
Diseases of animals 142 - ring worm 183 - eggs, chances in 196
Egg plant, pests of 236 Emmer - for dry soils 40 Emulsions and miscible oils 219 - carbolate 239
Egyptian corn (see sorghum). - for hogs 121 - and tobacco 221 Estray - law on 105
Farcy incurable 144 Fertilizers - when to apply 80 Formaldehyde, antidote for 144 Fruits - planted too deep 9
Farrowing pen 101 - with fertilizers 79 Frog - cracks in 143 - planting in mud 18
Feeding animals 107 - young trees 76 - farming 106 - planting in squares 8
Feeds Feterita 42 Foxtail - pruning 10, 11
- for fattening 109 Fig - in pigs' eyes 175 - replanting orchard 23
- balanced rations 110 - from cuttings 17 - swellings 168 - slitting bark bound 12
Fertilization or irrigation 72 - insect 17 Fruits - splitting 12
Fertilizers 59 Fistula - bark injured by oil 12 - subsoiling for 60
- alfalfa as 83 - on hog 178 - blossom honey 26 - thinning 9
- corn stalks as 81 - salivary 148 - cover crops 17 - vine pruning 16
- for citrus trees 80 - shoulder 152 - crown gall 7 Fruit trees
- for grape vines 80 Fly - die-back 13 - after submergence 6
- for vegetables 80 - repellents 170 - disinfecting holes 6 - in alfalfa 5
- pie melons as 76 - warble 171 - fall pruning 10 - in old vineyard 15
- potato vines as 76 Foot cracks - for hogs 122 - transplanting 6, 10
- poultry manure 76 - on hog 180 - for stock 133 - young trees with old 14
- sweet pea straw as 82 - in pigs 175 - grafting 8 Fumigation for insects 225, 226
- tomato vines as 81 Forage plants 38 - how much water 66 Fungus diseases and fungicides 226
Garbanzos Goats - Angora 103 Grapes - for horses 133 Grass - no sod on dry land 49
- after barley 29 - which pays best 103 - grafting 9 - rye grass in California 51, 57
- feed value 130 - feed for 123 Grapes - pests of 233 - Sudan 51
Garget 161 - milch 103 - replaced by trees 15 - Timothy 54
Garlic Gooseberry - pests of 234 - resistance of Tokay 17 Grasshoppers - poisons for 216
- growing 32 Gophers, killing 242 - stakes for 16 Grass-nut pasture 56
- pests of 235 Grains 38 - vines from cuttings 15 Guinea - how to tell cock 196
Geese - and cheat 41 - vines uprooting 16 Gypsum
- colors of Toulouse 199 - for spring forage 44 Grass - as absorbent 81
- fall hatched 198 - harrowing young 38 - Bermuda 53 - in gardening 78
- feathers, selling 198 - shocking 39 - for coast uplands 50
- feeding 198 Grapes - for mountain pasture 50
- to tell gander 199 - bees and 16 - "million-dollar" 50
Hare (see rabbit). Hens - wry-tail 195 Hogs - protruding rectum 173 Horse - distemper 146
Hay, danger in bad 124 - worms in pullets 202 - purchased feed for 123 - eye trouble 146
Heifer twins all right 91 Herpes in cattle 172 - rheumatism 177 - farcy 144
Hellebore for insects 223 Hogs - scabby hide 174, 176 - founder 147
Hens - barley for pigs 115 - scouring 178 - grapes for 133
- blindness 206 - breeding crate 100 - scrubs or pure breds 101, 118 - hock-joint cut 151
- canker in mouth 207 - cactus for 122 - shorts for pigs 115 - inflammation of joint 147
- catarrh 206 - charcoal for 173 - skin disease 176 - leg swelling 152
- chicken pox 207 - coal screenings for 173 - sows not breeding 176 - loading on cars 87
- comb crusts 190 - cocoanut meal for 120 - sows paralyzed 179 - lockjaw 144
- comb white 209 - colds 173 - stale food 176 - mange 150
- coughing 209 - cottonseed meal for 113 - sugar beets for 114 - milo maize for 126
- crop catarrh 207 - cow peas for 130 - sweet clovers for 123 - moon blindness 147
- egg-bound 193 - emmer for 121 - throat swelling 181 - neck scab 144
- egg-eating 194 - erysipelas 180 - "thumps" 174 - roaring 146
- eggs, bad flavor 194 - fall or spring pigs 101 - tomatoes for 121 - salivary fistula 148
- eggs, mottled shells 195 - farrowiug pen 101 - tonic for 176 - scours 149
- eggs watery 195 - fattening 118, 119 - tumor 180 - skin trouble 150
- feathering scant 204 - feeding equally 115 - types of 98 - sore navel 148
- feeding 190 - feeding little pigs 116, 117 - ulcers in vagina 179 - sore throat 145
- going light 208 - feeding scrubs 118 - vaccinated, edible 177 - strangles 146
- green feed 193 - feeding sows 117 - water-puffs on 177 - stray law on 105
- houses 189 - foot cracks 180 - weak legs 180 - sweeney 148
- lice cause fits 204 - fistula 178 - whey for 114 - teeth trouble 148
- lice, moth balls for 203 - foxtail in eye 175 - worms in 176 - tendon cut 148
- ointment for 203 - fruit for 122 - wound on leg 179 - tonic for 143
- limber-neck 208 - gain at ages 119 Holsteins and color 91 - urination 145
- marking 186 - gestation period 102 Horn fly 170 - warts 144, 150
- milk for 192 - infection 174 Horse - wire cut, old 152
- molting 191, 192 - immune 99 - acne 150 - worms 149
- perches 189 - intestinal catarrh 173 - ankle swelled 151 - wound not healing 151
- poisoning nightshade 205 - kidney inflammation 174 - bad hay dangerous 124 Horse chestnuts - feed value 140
- rolled barley 190 - lame feet 175 - bony growth on lip 144 Horsepower
- roup 207 - lice 179 - canker of feet 150 - what is 68
- sitting, quitters 196 - lung plague 178 - catarrbal enteritis 145 - for pasteurizing 96
- sunflowers for 192 - mange 175 - controlling sex 85 Humus, dry vegetation for 84
- swell-head not roup 206 - molasses for pigs 116 - cough 145 Hydrocyanic gas for insects 226
- ticks 204, 205 - on twenty acres 88 - cracks in frog 143
- trap nests 188 - pneumonia 178 - cracks on feet 151
Inbreeding inadvisable 87 Irrigation - cost and work of well 68 Irrigation - lining for ditches 65 Irrigation - reservoir bottom 67
Inoculation of clovers 53 - ditches and pipes 66 - lining for reservoir 67 - when needed 62
Insecticides and fungicides 239 - hose, oiling 66 - or fertilization 72 - winter rights 72
Irrigation 59 - how much 66 - pipe rights of way 67
Japan clover 58 Jerseys, registering 87

Kaffir corn 55 Kale, pests of 236 Kerosene emulsion 219 Kidney inflammation 174
Lawn, chicken manure for 61 Lice Lime - for daffodils 77 Live Stock and Dairy 85
Lead arsenate 215 - on calf 157 - for sour land 78 - dehorning 89
Leaf mold and fungus 81 - on hog 179 - in gardening 78 - weighing condition 89
Leghorns, weights of 187 - on hens 204 - litmus test 77 Lockjaw in horse 144
Legume as cover crop 84 - moth balls for 203 - orchard use 78 Loganberry, pests of 233
Lemon - ointment for 203 - sulphur sprays 217 Lupins and bacteria 82
- picking 19 Lima bean straw 131 - self-boiled 228
- with apricots 14 Lime - carbide, as fertilizer 77 - when to apply 78
Mammitis 160, 161 Medicinal plants, growing 58 Milk - holding up 162 Molasses
Manure Melilotus 52? - pasteurizing 94, 96 - and sorghum fodder 128
- chicken 62 Melons, pests of 237 - room, oil stove in 95 - for pigs 116
- cow 78, 79 Middlings, value of 129 - testing, acid and best 95, 97 Moonshine and planting 28
- horse 78, 79 Millet - yield, increasing 90 Mottle leaf and ashes 77
- in planting 7 - German 39 Milking Mule
- with fertilizers 79 - "hog" 41 - change to winter 90 - lame 153
- too much for seeds 62 Milk - cure for hard 162 - rheumatism 153
Maple from cuttings and seed 27 - causes of bloody 160 Milo maize for cows 126 - ruptured 153
Mares - cooler 95 Mite - in crushed barley 132 - tonic for 153
- breeding young 85 - falling off 108 - look for in morning 201 - tumor on rectum 153
- season for foaling 86 - foul kills hogs 176 - moth balls for 203 Murrain is anthrax 168
Nectarine, pests of 231 Nettles as cover crop 82 Nitrate spraying 75
Oats 39, 41 Olive - planting 18 Orange Orange - picking 19
- for silo 135 Onions - causes of coarse 18 - soil for 20
Oil injures tree bark 12 - and weeds 29 - for blossoms 19 Orchard, alfalfa strip in 83
Oleander poisoning 172 - from seed 31 - grafting on lemon 19 Overflow reclamation 73
Olive - growing 32 - growing seedlings 20
- cover crop in 17 - pests of 235 - in tubs 19
- pests of 231 - transplanted 31 - pests of 230
Paris green 215 Peas - pests of 235 Polo ponies 87 Potatoes - feeding sweet 113
Parsnips, pests of 238 Pecans, polishing 26 Poplar for high windbreak 63 - going to tops 35
Pasturing or rack-feeding 108 Pepper growing 33, 34 Pork, vaccinated, edible 177 - growing seed 35
Peanut growing 33 Persimmons, seedling 20 Prune - pests of 236
Peach Pests and Diseases of Plants 214 - die back 13 - scabby and hollow 36
- pests of 231 Phylloxera, resistance of Tokay 17 - for cows 133 - sweet 36
- planting 6 Pica, depraved appetite 157 - grafting 22 - vines as fertilizers 76
- pruning and thinning 9 Pie Melons as fertilizer 76 - irrigation for 62 - worms 36
- replanting orchard 20 Pigs - See Hogs. - pests of 232 Poultry
- sour sap 5 Planting Pruning - feeding 190
- summer pruning 21 - cutting back after 10 - fall 10 - keeping 186
- too much alkali 61 - square or hexagonal 8 - peach in summer 21 - manure, price of 76
- transplanting 21 Plum - skipping a year 11 - shelters 188
Pear - budding and grafting 23 - to thin fruit 9 Pumping plant, cost and work 68
- dwarf 22 - pests of 232 Potatoes Pumpkins
- on quince 22 Poison baits 215 - aerial 34 - feeding 111
- pests of 229 Poland China - after corn 35 - pests of 237
- winter 20 - types 98 - and gophers 36
Peas - growing field 33 - registering 99 - blackening 35
Quince - growing 22 - pear on 22 - pests of 229
Rabbits Rabbits - liver spotted 210 Raspberry, pests of 233 Ringworm 172
- alfalfa for 212 - lump on shoulder 184 Rats, remedies for 241 Riparian rights 72
- Belgian 184, 212 - neglect young 211 Reclaiming overflow land 73 Rolled barley, storing 132
- bucks for does 212 - slobbers incurable 211 Rectum protruding 173 Roots after transplanting 6
- coccidiosis 185 - sore from wound 184 Registering Jerseys 87 Roots for stock 124
- does refusing buck 184 - sores on feet 185 Repellents for insects 224 Rosin wash 221
- ear-scabs 184 - weaning 210 Reservoir Rotation of crops 38
- eyes inflamed 185 - wet feed bad 210 - bottom 67 Russian thistle and alfalfa 46
- feeding 210, 211 Rabies in dog 183 - oil-lining for 67 Rye 41
- fleas 185 Radish, pests of 236 Ringbone, treatment 143 - as cover crop 84
Saltpetre as fertilizer 75 Silo - pit seldom desirable 140 Sorghum - feed for cows 126 Squirrels, killing 243
Scabby hide in pigs 174 Soap - feed for horses 126 Stakes for vineyard 16
Scouring 149 - powders 222 - harvesting 42 Stallion license fees 86
Seeds, danger in fertilizer 62 - sprays and washes 221 - in coast valleys 42 Sterility in cows, causes 158, 159
Self-sucking, preventing 89 Soda, Nitrate - irrigation for 63 Stover sorghum 128
Sex controlling 85 - of 75, 79 - mixing 43 "Strangles," treatment for 146
Sheep - for citrus trees 80 - or barley 128 Strawberry
- alfalfa for 102 - for flowers 79 - pasturing 126 - bed, amateur's 23, 24
- bean straw for 131 - spraying 75 - pests of 238 - pests of 233
- catarrh, nasal 181 Soils 59 - soiling 127 Sugar beets for hogs 114
- for range 102 - California 59 - stover 128 Sulphur
- gestation period 102 - crust dries out 60 - summer forage 55 - flowers of 222, 228
- lameness 181 - for fruits 13 - to reduce soil moisture 43 - lime, dust 224
- "soft chess" for 57 - lime for heavy 78 - varieties 42 - lime sprays 217, 228
- sweet clovers for 123 - sandy, cultivation of 60 Sour sap in root 5 - milled 223
- worms in 181 - water in tight 74 Sow (see hog). Summer fallow, plowing for 38
Silo - wrong treatment of 61 Sows Sweeney, treatment for 148
- alfalfa for 134, 138 Sorghum - breeding 99 Sweet clover 52
- capacity of 135 - and alfalfa 126 - breeding young 91 - for hogs 123
- cost of silage 138 - and alkali 41 Squashes - for sheep 123
- feeding from 136 - and corn 42 - feeding 111 Sweet pea straw, fertilizer 82
- frosted corn for 140 - as cover crop 43 - pests of 237 Swellings 142, 151, 152
- grain for 136 - feeding fodder 108 Squeezer for branding 88
Tanglefoot for insects 224 Ticks - in poultry houses 204 Trees Turkey - exposure 199
Tankage, what is 132 - trapping 205 - fertilizers for 78 - feeding young 201
Tape worm in fowls 203 Timothy grass 54 Trees - fertilizing young 76 - liver trouble 208
Teats Tobacco - not growing up 5 - maturity 199
- cracked 163 - fumes 226 - planting with manure 7 - mites 201
- leaking 162, 163 - pests of 236 Trap nests, uses of 188 - pendulous crop 202
- warts on 163 - sprays 222 Tuberculosis, signs of 169 - sour food bad 200
Teeth too long 148 Tomatoes Turkey - tom to hens 199
Tenants, terms with 93 - dropping blossoms 37 - bulky food bad 201 - yellow droppings 201
Thumps in pigs 174 - pests of 236 - cholera 200 Twin heifers will breed 91
Ticks - cattle 171 Tongue, "wooden" 169 - diseases 200
Udder - injuries and diseases 160, 161, 162 - treatment of 160, 161, 163
Vegetables, fall and winter 28 Vetch Vetch - and wheat 58 Vetch - when to plow in 81
Vegetable growing 28 - and oats 54 - for cover crop 57 Vines, pruning 16
- plant when moon is right 28 - and rye 57 - pests of 235
Walnut Watermelons for cows 126 Well - pumping from connected 64 Whitewash - for trees 224
- bleaching 25 Water - tunneling 64 - or stain 189
- for San Joaquin 24 - standing kill trees 6 - yield of two-inch 68 Willow posts, growing 26
- grafting 24, 25 - supply, domestic 73 Wheat Windbreak for ditch 63
- pests of 233 - table, depth of 74 - and middlings 129 Worms
- protecting pith 25 - underground 71 - in San Joaquin 40 - in fowls 203
Warbles 171 - waste, controlling 74 Whey for hogs 114 - in horses 149
Warts on teats 163 Well Whitewash Wound not healing 151
Watercress in California 37 - blasting bottom of 64 - durable 224

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