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Shaded portions show buildings with Interior Lighting by GE Mazda Lamps
GE Apparatus and Appliances
Outdoor Lighting with GE Arc Lamps
Outdoor Lighting with GE Mazda Lamps
GE Searchlights
General Electric Company Exhibits

Electricity Everywhere

The small dots and shadings on the map indicate General Electric Company's equipment throughout the Exposition.

The location of the various lighting units referred to on the previous pages is an interesting and valuable study in itself. The solid black dots indicate the use of electricity by exhibitors and in the Amusement Zone.

The Amusement Zone

For recreation the crowds flock to the "Zone." Here they review the scenic wonders of the world and huge engineering achievements reproduced on a miniature scale.

The electric motor is used on every hand. It does the heavy work of transportation on scenic railways or moves miles of gorgeous scenery rapidly before admiring audiences. It drives the mechanical burros down the "Grand Canyon" trail, pumps the water for the cascades in "Creation," moves countless dummies and targets and whirls the people around in the "Bowls of Joy." Electricity also does the work in the candy kitchens and refreshment palaces all along the Zone. The miniature "Panama Canal," like its huge prototype, is operated by the General Electric Company's motors and control.

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