Home -> Miscellaneous Books -> Experimental Organic Chemistry -> Index | |||
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A | Cyanide, test for, 92 | Hydrocarbons, aromatic, 128 | Potassium ethyl sulphate, 75 |
Cyanogen, 92 | - saturated, 42 | - ferric oxalate, 67 | |
Acetaldehyde, 82-84 | - unsaturated, 49, 50 | - ferricyanide, 93 | |
Acetamide, 88-90 | D | Hydroxy acids, test for, 107 | - ferrocyanide, 93 |
Acetanilide, 64, 74 | - tetroxalate, 67 | ||
Acetic acid, glacial, 63 | Dextrin, 122 | I | - thiocyanate, 125 |
- preparation of, 62 | Dextrosazone, 114 | - xanthate, 125 | |
- properties of, 63 | Dextrose 114 | Identification of compounds, 202 | Primuline, 187 |
- tests for, 64 | Dialysis, 119 | Iodine, test for, 41 | Proteins, analysis of, 192 |
Acetic anhydride, 73 | Diazo compounds, 153 | Iodobenzene, 154 | - and formaldehyde, 82 |
Acetoacetic ester, 110 | Diazoaminobenzene, 156 | Iodoform test, 57 | - color reactions of, 194 |
- synthesis, 111 | Dibenzalacetone, 85 | Ingrain colors, 187 | - hydrolysis of, 196 |
Acetone, 84 | Dibrombenzene, p, 144 | Ink, 181 | - precipitation reactions of, 193 |
- identification of, 85 | Digestion, salivary, 121 | Isoamyl, acetate, 78 | Proteoses, 197 |
Acetyl chloride, 105 | Di-isoamyl, 45 | - bromide, 100 | Pyridine, 189 |
Acetylene, 51 | Dimethylaniline, 151 | - ethyl ether, 72 | |
Acids, aromatic, 165 | Dimethyl terephthalate, 168 | Isocyanides, 95 | Q |
- fatty, 61 | Dinitrobenzene, m, 137 | ||
Acyl chlorides, 105 | Diphenyl -carbinol, 161 | K | Quinoline, 190 |
Albumin, 196 | -ethycarbinol, 161 | Quinone, 172, 173 | |
Alcohol, see ethyl alcohol | -methane, 132 | Kerosene, 46, 47 | |
Alcohols, 53 | Distillation, 8, 29 | Ketones, 84 | S |
- aromatic, 160 | - fractional, 11, 42 | ||
Aldehyde, see acetaldehyde | - under diminished pressure, 14 | L | Saccharic acid, 118 |
Aldehydes, 81 | - with steam, 18 | Salicylic acid, 179 | |
- aromatic, 170 | Drying agents, 24 | Lactic acid, 106 | - detection of in foods, 180 |
Alkaloidal reagents, 193 | Dyeing, 186 | Lactose, 117, 118 | Saliva, 120, 121 |
Alkaloids, 191 | Dyes, 183 | Lecithin, 88 | Salting out of proteins, 196 |
Allyl alcohol, preparation of, 58 | Leucosin, 197 | Sandmeyer reaction, 154 | |
- properties of, 59 | E | Saponification, 64 | |
Amides, 88 | M | Schiff's reagent, 208 | |
Amines, 86 | Edestin, 198 | Schweitzer's reagent, 122 | |
- aromatic, 148 | Emulsification, 79 | Malachite green, 184, 187 | Silk, 200 |
Aminoazobenzene, 156 | Eosin, 186 | Melting-points, determination of, 32 | Silver oxalate, 68 |
Amylene, 50 | Esters, 75 | Mercaptan, 125 | Skraup's synthesis, 190 |
Analysis, 202 | - properties of, 77 | Mercuric thiocyanate, 125 | Soap, 64 |
- qualitative, 38 | Ethane, 45 | Metals, tests for, 38 | Sodium, benzenesulphonate, 138 |
Anhydrides, 73 | Ether, absolute, 70 | Metaproteins, 196 | - manipulation of, 27 |
Aniline, formation of, 136 | - preparation of, 69 | Methane, preparation of, 43 | Specific gravity, determination of, 37 |
- preparation of, 148 | - properties of, 71 | - properties of, 44 | Starches, 119 |
- properties of, 149 | Ethers, 69 | Methyl, alcohol, 53 | Sublimation, 23 |
Anisol, 164 | - properties of, 71 | - amine, 86 | Succinic anhydride, 74 |
Anthraquinone, 174 | Ethyl acetate, preparation of, 76 | - aniline, 151 | Sucrose, 117 |
Azo dye, 183 | - properties of, 77 | - cyanide, 94 | Sugars, general properties of, 115 |
Ethylacetoacetic ester, 111 | - iodide, 96, 97 | Sulphanilic acid, 177 | |
B | Ethyl alcohol, absolute, 57 | - orange, 183 | Sulphonic acids, 138 |
- tests for, 57 | - salicylate, 53 | - identification of, 140 | |
Barium ethyl sulphate, 75 | - preparation of, 53 | Milk, 199 | Sulphur, compounds, 125 |
Baumann and Schotten reaction, 60 | - properties of, 55 | - formaldehyde in, 81 | - test for, 40 |
Beckmann's rearrangement, 172 | Ethyl-benzene, 130 | Millon's reaction, 194 | - test for in proteins, 192 |
Benzaldehyde, properties of, 170 | - bromide, 97 | - reagent, 209 | |
Benzalphenylhydrazone, 159 | - iodide, 99 | Mixture, analysis, 206 | T |
Benzamide, 166 | - sulphuric acid, 75 | Molisch reaction, 115, 195 | |
Benzanilide, 165 | Ethylene, 49, 50 | Mordants, 187 | Tartaric acid, 107 |
Benzene, preparation of, 128 | - bromide, 103 | Mucic acid, 118 | Tannic acid, 180 |
- properties of, 128 | Eugenol, 176 | Murexide test, 126 | Tea, 127, 181 |
Benzenesulphonamide, 141 | Extraction, 20, 30 | Terephthalic acid, 168 | |
Benzenesulphonic acid, 138 | N | Textile fibers, 199 | |
Benzenesulphonyl chloride, 140, 152 | F | Thermometers, calibration of, 31 | |
Benzoic acid, detection in foods, 180 | Naphthalene, 133 | Thiocyanates, 125 | |
- identification of, 165 | Fat, saponification of, 64, 79 | Nicotine, 191 | Thiophene, 189 |
- preparation of, 165 | Fats, 78 | Nitraniline, m, 177 | Tobacco, 191 |
Benzophenone, 170 | Fehling's solution, 208 | - p, 178 | Tollen's reagent, 208 |
- from diphenylmethane, 132 | Fermentation, 53, 116 | Nitranilines, salts of, 179 | Toluenesulphonic acid, p, 141 |
Benzophenoneoxime, 172 | Ferric citrate, 110 | Nitroacetanilide, 178 | Toluic acid, p, 166 |
Benzyl alcohol, 160 | Flash-point, 47 | - benzene, 135 | Tolunitrile, p, 154 |
Biuret, 91 | Flour, composition of, 197 | - compounds, 135 | Tribromphenol, s, 162 |
Boiling-points, determination of, 35 | Fluorescein, 185 | -phenol, o and p, 175 | Trichloracetic acid, 106 |
Bone-black, use of, 8 | Formaldehyde, 81 | Nitrogen, test for, 40 | Triphenylchlormethane, 146 |
Bromine, test for, 41 | Formic acid, 61 | - test for in proteins, 192 | Triple bond, test for, 51 |
Brombenzene, 143 | Furfuraldehyde, 189 | ||
Bumping, prevention of, 27 | O | U | |
Butter, saponification of, 79 | G | ||
Butyric acid, 112 | Oils, 78 | Unsaturated compounds, test for, 50 | |
Gasoline, 46 | - emulsification of, 79 | Urea, 90, 91 | |
C | Gelatin, 180 | Osazones, 116 | Uric acid, 126 |
- composition of, 195 | Oxalic acid, preparation of, 66 | ||
Caffeine, from tea, 127 | Gliadin, 197 | - properties of, 67 | V |
Calcium oxalate, 68 | Globulin, 196 | - tests for, 67 | |
Carbohydrates, 114 | Gluten, 197 | Verdigris, 63 | |
Carbon disulphide, test for, 129 | Glycerol, 66 | P | |
Casein, 199 | - properties of, 59 | W | |
Cellulose, 122 | Glyceryl tribenzoate, 60 | Paper, test of, 124 | |
- acetate, 123 | Grignard reaction, 45, 161 | Parchment-paper, 122 | Water, test for in organic compounds, 55 |
- nitrate, 123 | Pentosans, 124 | Wheat, proteins of, 197 | |
Chloral, 113 | H | Peptones, 197 | Wool, 200 |
Chlorine, test for, 40 | Perkin's synthesis, 167 | - composition of, 195 | |
Chloroform, 101, 102 | Halogen compounds, 96 | Phenol, preparation of, 153 | Wurtz synthesis, 45 |
Cinnamic acid, 167 | - aromatic, 143 | - properties of, 162 | |
Citric acid, 109 | Halogens, test for, 40 | Phenols, from sulphonic acids, 140 | X |
Cloves, oil of, 176 | Heller's test, 193 | - reactions of, 163 | |
Coagulation of proteins, 194 | Hemp seed, 198 | Phenylhydrazine, 157 | Xanthates, 125 |
Colloidal solutions, 119 | Heterocyclic compounds, 189 | -hydroxylamine, 137 | Xanthoproteic reaction, 194 |
Condensers, reflux, 25 | Hexaphenylethane, 133 | -semicarbazide, 158 | |
Congo red, 186 | Hopkins-Cole reaction, 195 | Phosphorus, test for, 41 | Y |
Cotton, 200 | - reagent, 209 | - test for in proteins, 192 | |
Crystallization, 3, 28 | Hydriodic acid, preparation of, 210 | Phthaleins, 163 | Yield, calculation of, 2 |
Cyanides, 93 | Hydrobenzamide, 170 | Potassium benzenesulphonate, 140 | |
- alkyl, 94 | Hydrobromic acid, preparation of, 209 | - cyanide, 92 | |
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