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The Outdoor Gallery of Sculpture
Many of the finest bronzes and marbles of the sculpture section are given an adequate setting which would be impossible within the gallery building, by being placed in the open, along the two ends of the lagoon, through the peristyles, and under the Fine Arts rotunda. As this group of sculpture embraces all types from the playful to the very serious, it is foolish to try to appreciate the whole series at one time. Perhaps the best way is to start first to familiarize oneself with the smaller bronzes of the purely lyric type, the charming garden figures, sun-dials, and miniature fountains, that make up such an attractive part of the collection. Note how often the names of Edward Berge, Janet Scudder and Anna Coleman Ladd recur in connection with this graceful, intimately appealing sort of sculpture. On another day, when life seems soberer, spend all your time in study of the more serious works, such as Saint Gaudens' "Seated Lincoln," and McKenzie's "The Young Franklin," noting how the dignity, sureness of touch, and sound purpose of these make them more appealing with longer acquaintance. On another day take the intermediate group, that is dignified but less austere in theme - such works as Sherry Fry's "Peace," and Berge's "Muse Finding the Head of Orpheus." Studied systematically, there is in this series of statues a broad education in the appreciation of sculpture. For convenience in reference the whole series is listed here. In regard to those works which the labels make self-explanatory, no comment is added, unless to call attention to some special quality which the unpracticed eye might miss. Where the symbolism or "story" is obscure, an explanation is given. South of the lagoon are: 1. Sea Lions by Frederick G. R. Roth. 2. The Scout by Cyrus E. Dallin. Note the remarkable clean-cut quality of this equestrian statue. 3. Wind and Spray fountain, by Anna Coleman Ladd. 4. Diana by Haig Patigian - a graceful statue of the Greek goddess of the hunt, which is in marked contrast to the same artist's strong figures on the Palace of Machinery. 5. Peace by Sherry E. Fry. This beautifully modeled figure has a classic simplicity that is worthy of study. 6. American Bison by A. P. Proctor. Beyond the second Bison, beside the roadway that runs behind the Fine Arts Palace, is a model of the Kirkpatrick Monument, at Syracuse, New York, by Gail Sherman Corbett. The central figures represent an Indian discovering to a Jesuit priest the waters of an historic salt spring at Syracuse. In the circle at the south end of the peristyle are: 1. Seated Lincoln by Augustus St. Gaudens generally considered one of the noblest works of the greatest American sculptor. Note especially the dignity of the whole, and the sympathetic modeling of the face. 2. Bust of Halsey C. Ives by Victor S. Holm. 3. Bust of William Howard Taft by Robert Aitken. 4. Henry Ward Beecher by John Quincy Adams Ward - a dignified and well-known life-size statue. Along the south peristyle are (at the right) 1. Piping Pan by Louis St. Gaudens. 2. Flying Cupid by Janet Scudder. 3. Muse Finding the Head of Orpheus by Edward Berge - a marble well expressive of gentle grief. Orpheus, sweetest musician of Greek mythology, after failing to recover his beloved Eurydice from the underworld, in his sorrow scorned the Thracian nymphs, who in their anger dismembered him. His head was washed up by the sea and found by the sorrowing Muses. 4. (At the left) Michael Angelo by Robert Aitken, showing the master-sculpture at work on one of his famous figures. 5. (At the right) Young Pan by Janet Scudder. 6. (At the left) Wood Nymph by Isidore Konti. 7. Young Mother with Child by Furio Piccirilli. 8. (At the right) Wild Flower by Edward Berge. 9. (At the left) Eurydice by Furio Piccirilli. 10. (At the right) Boy and Frog by Edward Berge. 11. (At the left) Dancing Nymphs by Olin L. Warner. 12. Idyl by Olga Popoff Muller. 13. An Outcast by Attilio Piccirilli. 14. (Beside the doorway) Youth by Charles Carey Rumsey. Before the doorway is to be placed The Pioneer Mother Monument by Charles Grafly. About the rotunda are: 1. (Outside the southwest archway) Thomas Jefferson by Karl Bitter. 2. (In center of rotunda) Lafayette by Paul Wayland Bartlett - the statue given by America to France. 3. Lincoln by Daniel Chester French, a dignified portrayal that cannot be justly judged from the plaster model here exhibited. 4. Relief by Richard H. Recchia, representing "Architecture." 5. Commodore Barry Memorial by John J. Boyle. 6. Relief by Richard H. Recchia, representing "Architecture." 7. Princeton Student Memorial by Daniel Chester French a noble treatment of a difficult theme. 8. The Young Franklin by Robert Tait McKenzie. This is a fine conception, in which the sculptor has escaped from the conventional path of monumental portraiture. 9. (On walls of west archway) Reliefs by Bela L. Pratt, representing "Sculpture." 10. (Outside west archway) Portrait of a Boy by Albin Polasek. 11. The Awakening by Lindsey Morris Sterling. 12. (Beside northwest archway) William Cullen Bryant by Herbert Adams. Along the north peristyle are: 1. (Beside main doorway of gallery) Beyond by Chester Beach. 2. The Sower by Albin Polasek. 3. The Centaur by Olga Popoff Muller. 4. Boy with Fish by Bela L. Pratt. 5. (At the right) Returning from the Hunt by John J. Boyle. 6. (At the left) L'Amour by Evelyn Beatrice Longman - a marble wherein the woman's figure is tenderly beautiful. 7. Garden Figure by Edith Woodman Burroughs. 8. (At the right) Fighting Boys Fountain by Janet Scudder. 9. Soldier of Marathon by Paul Noquet. 10. (At the left) Youth by Victor D. Salvatore. 11. (At the right) Primitive Man by Olga Popoff Muller. 12. The Scalp by Edward Berge - an unpleasant bit of realism. 13. (At the left) Apollo by Haig Patigian. 14. (At the right) A Faun's Toilet by Attilio Piccirilli. 15. Duck Baby Fountain by Edith Barretto Parsons. 16. Maiden of the Roman Campagna by Albin Polasek - a figure instinct with the spirit of the antique. On the circle at the north end of the peristyle are: 1. (At the right) Young Diana by Janet Scudder - a young goddess of the hunt, conceived in modern spirit, with remarkable freedom and grace of movement. 2. Great Danes by Anna Vaughan Hyatt. 3. (In walk) Sundial by Harriet W. Frishmuth. 4. Bondage by Carl Augustus Heber. 5. Boy Pan with Frog by Clement J. Barnhorn. 6. Sundial by Gail Sherman Corbett. 7. Three fountain groups in one basin, all by Anna Coleman Ladd. Of these the Sun God and Python has been especially admired as a spirited and graceful bit of work. 8. (On the lagoon side of the circle) Mother of the Dead by C. S. Pietro - a sincere and powerfully realistic work, and quite unlike anything else in the outdoor gallery. 9. (In walk) Chief Justice Marshall by Herbert Adams. 10. Destiny by C. Percival Dietsch. 11. Sundial by Edward Berge. 12: Daughter of Pan by R. Hinton Perry. 13. Head of Lincoln by Adolph A. Weinman. Along the roadway to the left, as one leaves the circle, are two sculptures: Bird Fountain by Caroline Risque, and Prima Mater by Victor S. Holm. North of the lagoon are: 1. Fragment of the Fountain of Time by Lorado Taft. 2. Nymph by Edmond T. Quinn. 3. Dying Lion by Paul Wayland Bartlett. 4. Rock and Flower Group by Anna Coleman Ladd. 5. Whale-man by Bela L. Pratt. On the island at the north end of the lagoon is a fountain by Robert Paine. |
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