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The Penance of Magdalena And Other Tales of the California Missions

By J. Smeaton Chase

With Illustrations

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Boston and New York
Houghton Mifflin Company

Copyright, 1915 by Charles Francis Saunders and J. Smeaton Chase
All Rights Reserved


Among the California Missions the southern group form a natural unit, just as does, geographically, Southern California itself - the region covered by the familiar California formula, "South of the Tehachapi." It is thought that this little set of tales, extracted from the larger work, The California Padres and Their Missions, in which Mr. Charles F. Saunders and the writer collaborated, may be welcomed by those many persons whose interest in Mission affairs is more or less limited to the five here included, which are, probably, the most notable, historically and architecturally, of the whole chain of these venerable monuments of Franciscan zeal.

J. S. C.

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