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The Tower at Night

Decorative OOne night a few of us were sitting in the Court of Ages, when it suddenly occurred to me to steal quietly around to the North Aisle leading into the Court from the Esplanade, and witness, in that position, one of the most enchanting views of the exquisitely designed tower, in which as some one has truly said: "all the beauty and spiritual import of the Court culminate."

There it stood, symbolizing as no other object could ever do - the relation of unity, symmetry and harmony to beauty and happiness.

How it comes back upon the vision, sentient, eloquent, vital!

It seemed to my poor judgment, that this beautiful tower, so entrancingly lovely at night, had no rival in this country comparable with it. I felt convinced that if it were a substantial reality in every detail of its perfection and stood in an old environment somewhere on the European continent, people from all over the world would journey to see it alone; pilgrimages to it would be made, just to be near it.

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