Home -> Other California History Books -> Impressions of the Art at the Panama-Pacific Exposition - Index of Artists | |||
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Index of Artists
Abbey, Edwin Austin 92
Edströrn, David 80, 83 | Leibl, Wilhelm 96 | Reid, Robert 16, 48 |
Aitken, Robert Ingersoll 49 | Exner, Johall Julius 146 | Lenbach, Franz von 96 | Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 15, 173 |
Alice, Antonio 181 | Lentelli, Leo 77 | Réth Alfred 150 | |
Allegri, Antonio (Il Correggio) 15 | Falconet, Ètienne-Maurice 68 | Lever, Hayley 97, 113 | Réti István 150 |
Allen, Frank P., Jr. 32 | Falguière, Jean Alexandre-Joseph 80 | Lie, Jonas 97, 117 | Rippl-Rónai József 150, 163 |
Fantin-Latour, Ignace Henri Jean Théodore 173 | Liebermann, Max 15 | Robinson, Alexander 133 | |
Bakewell, John, Jr. 45 | Fechin, Nikolai 12 | Liljefors, Bruno Andreas 141, 142 | Robinson, Theodore 16, 92, 95, 96 |
Balsgaard, C. V. 146 | Fényes Adolf 150 | Lionne, Enrico 176 | Rodin, Auguste 47, 78, 80 |
Bartholomé, Albert 80 | Ferenczy Károly 150 | Lund, Henrik 145 | Roed, Jörgen 146 |
Batthyányi Gyula 145 | Ferguson, Frank W. 30 | Luppi, Ermenegildo 78, 79 | Roll, Alfred-Philippe 174 |
Bauer, Marius Alexander Jacques 138 | Ferrari, Ettore 80 | Romanach, Leopoldo 181 | |
Beal, Gifford 121 | Fjaestad, Gustav Adolf 142, 161 | Maillol, Aristide 80 | Rosé, Manuel 181, 193 |
Beaux, Cecilia 107 | Fornara, Carlo 176 | Malhôa, José 177, 191 | Rubens, Petrus Paulus 15 |
Bellows, George Wesley 97, 127 | Foster, Ben 119 | Mancini, Antonio 176, 183 | Ruisdael, Jacob Isaacksz van 137 |
Benson, Frank Weston 16 | Fragonard, Jean-Honoré 14 | Manet, Édouard 14, 15, 18, 150, 173 | Rush, William 68 |
Bergman, Oskar 142 | Fraser, James Earle 47, 66 | Manship, Paul 44, 50 | Rusiñol, Santiago 15 |
Bermúdez, Jorge 178, 181 | Frazee, John 68 | Maris, Jacobus Hendrikus 137 | Russolo, Luigi 20 |
Bernard, Joseph 69, 80 | Frieseke, Frederic Carl 25, 95, 97, 111 | Maris, Matthijs 137 | Rysselberghe, Théodore van 16 |
Besnard, Paul-Albert 15, 173, 174 | Fry, Sherry Edmundson 42 | Maris, Willem 137 | |
Bilbao, Gonzalo 177 | Marstrand, Wilhelm Nikolai 146 | St. Lerche, Hans 83 | |
Bistolfi, Leonardo 78 | Gallén-Kallela, Axel 149 | Marquet, Albert 177 | Sargent, John Singer 89, 92, 101 |
Blanche, Jacques-Émile 174 | Gauguin, Eugène Henri-Paul 19, 20, 25, 173 | Mastenbroek, Johan Hendrik van 137, 138 | Schultzberg, Anshelm 141, 142, 157 |
Blommers, Bernardus Johannes 137 | Gauguin, Pola 145 | Maurer, Alfred H. 25 | Segantini, Giovanni 15, 175, 176 |
Boberg, Anna 142 | Gleizes, Albert 22 | Mauve, Anton 137 | Selgado (see Veloso) |
Boccioni, Umberto 20 | Gogh, Vincent van 20, 187 | Maybeck, Bernard R. 47 | Severini, Gino 20 |
Böcklin, Arnold 87 | Goodhue, Bertram G. 30, 32, 35 | Meifren, Eliseo 177 | Signac, Paul 174 |
Boggio, Pompeo 178 | Gorter, Arnold Marc 137, 153 | Melchers, Julius Garibaldi 16, 92, 103 | Simmons, Edward 16, 48 |
Bosboom, Johannes 137 | Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de 14 | Mentessi, Giuseppe 176 | Simon, Lueieu 174, 189 |
Bourdelle, Émile-Antoine 80 | Grafly, Charles 72 | Mercié, Manius Jean-Antonin 80 | Sívori, Eduardo 181 |
Bracquemond, Félix 18 | Greenough, Horatio 71 | Metcalf, Willard Leroy 16, 97 | Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin 15, 177 |
Brangwyn, Frank 47, 51a, 51b, 51c, 51d | Griffin, Walter 97 | Meunier, Constantin 47, 83 | Sousa-Lopes, Adriano de 178 |
Breitner, George Hendrik 137 | Guérin, Jules 44 | Michel, Claude (Clodion) 68 | Stackpole, Ralph W. 72 |
Brown, Arthur, Jr. 45 | Guillemet, Jean-Baptiste Antoine 173 | Michelangelo (see Buonarroti) | Steer, Wilson 16 |
Bruguière, Francis 30, 33 | Millet, Jean-François 14 | Steichen, Eduard J. 25 | |
Buonarroti, Michelangelo. 68 | Hammer, H. J. 146 | Monet, Claude-Oscar 15, 16 | Sterne, Maurice 25 |
Burroughs, Edith Woodman. 44 | Hammer, William 146 | Morisot, Berthe Marie Pauline 173 | Strandberg, Gabriel 142, 143 |
Hansen, Heinrich 146 | Morris, William 88 | Stuck, Franz von 165 | |
Canova, Antonio 68, 77 | Harrison, Thomas Alexander 16 | Moreau, Gustave 173 | Szinyei Merse Pál 149 |
Carles, Arthur B. 86, 97 | Hartley, Marsden 25 | Morelli, Domenico 175 | |
Carrière, Eugene 173 | Hassam, Childe 16, 48, 92, 97 | Mullgardt, Louis C. 51 | Tarbell, Edmund Charles 16, 92, 97, 129 |
Cassatt, Mary 16 | Henri-Matisse 20 | Munch, Edvard 142, 147 | Thaulow, Frits 16, 145 |
Cazin, Jean-Charles 173 | Hitchcock, George 16 | Thorvaldsen, Bertel 68, 77 | |
Cézanne, Paul 18, 19, 20, 173 | Hobberna, Meindert 137 | Navarro, Juan Cárlos Oliva 83, 181 | Tito, Ettore 172, 176 |
Chase, William Merritt 92 | Hollósy Simon 150 | Nicolini, Giovanni 78 | Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 173 |
Christensen, Godfred 146 | Holmboe, Thorolf 169 | Nisbet, Robert H. 123 | Troubetzkoy, Paul 75, 78, 83 |
Ciardi, Emma 176 | Hooch, Pieter de 137 | Nittis, Giuseppe de 173 | Tucker, Allen 109 |
Cinotti, Guido 176 | Homer, Winslow 91, 92, 95 | Nordström, Karl 141 | Twachtman, John H. 16, 92, 95, 115 |
Claus, Émile 16 | |||
Clausen, George 16 | Ingres, Jean Auguste-Dominique 19 | Ossluud, Helmer 142 | Vallotton, Félix 174, 175 |
Clodion (see Michel) | Innocenti, Carnillo 136, 176 | Ottesen, Otto Didrik 146 | Vaszary János 149 |
Collett, Fredrik 145 | Israëls, Isaäc 137 | Vedani, Michelo 80 | |
Columbano, Bordalo Pinheiro 177 | Israëls, Jozef 137 | Paddock, Josephine 125 | Velázquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva 15 |
Correggio (see Allegri) | Iványi-Grünwald Béla 150 | Panozzi, Américo 178 | Veloso Salgado, José 177 |
Cottet, Charles 174, 179 | Parker, Lawton S. 105 | Vonnoh, Robert W. 97 | |
Courbet, Gustave 14, 18 | Jávor, Pál 151 | Perlmutter, Izsák 150 | |
Cram, Ralph Adams 30 | Josephson, Ernst 141 | Petersen, Edvard 146 | Watts, George Frederick 177 |
Csáky József 150 | Picabia, Francis 20, 22, 26 | Weber, Max 25 | |
Csók István 150 | Kent, Rockwell 131 | Picasso, Pablo 20, 22, 25 | Weir, Julian Alden 16, 92 |
Czóbel Béla 150 | Késmarky Árpád de 150 | Piccirilli, Attilio 71 | Weissenbruch, Heudrik Johannes 137 |
Köbke, Christen Schjellerup 146 | Piloty, Carl Theodor von 96 | Werenskiold, Dagfin 73, 83 | |
Dalou, Jules 80 | Kóródy E. de 150 | Powers, Hiram 71 | Whistler, James Abbott McNeill 18, 19, 27, 92, 93, 137 |
Dauchez, André 174 | Krohg, Christian 142 | Previati, Gaetano 176 | Willumsen, Jens Ferdinand 146 |
David, Jacques-Louis 14 | Kröyer, Peter Severin 16, 146 | Priestman, Bertram 16 | Witsen, Willem 137, 138, 139 |
Davies, Arthur B. 25 | Kyhn, Peter Vilhelm Karl 146 | Prudhon, Pierre 19 | Wolter, Hendrik Jan 138 |
Dazzi, Arturo 78 | Putnam, Arthur 44 | Wright, Patience Lovell 77 | |
Dearth, Henry Golden 25 | La Farge, John 92 | Putz, Leo 159 | Wyk, Charles van 83 |
Degas, Hilaire Germain-Edgar 15, 19, 173 | La Touche, Gaston 15 | Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre-Cécile 173 | |
Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor-Eugène 14 | Lagos, Alberto 83, 178 | Zanon, Carlo 176 | |
Denis, Maurice 20, 174, 185 | Larsson, Carl 141, 155 | Quillivic, René 80, 81 | Zorn, Anders Leonard 141 |
Dodge, William De Leftwich 16, 47, 48 | Le Sidaner, Henri-Eugène 174 | Zubiaurre, Ramon de 177 | |
Dove, Arthur 25 | Léger, Fernand 22 | Ramponi, Ferdinando 176 | Zubiaurre, Valentin de 177 |
Duveneck, Frank 92, 96, 99 | Legros, Alphonse 173 | Redfield, Edward Willis 92, 97 | Zügel, Heinrich von 167 |
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